136 area code

The 136 area code is not currently assigned to any geographic region in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), which includes the United States, Canada, and certain Caribbean countries. This means it is not in use for any specific location in these areas.
However, in China, mobile phone numbers starting with 136 are part of the numbering plan for China Mobile, one of the country’s major mobile service providers. These numbers are not tied to a specific geographic area but are part of the nationwide mobile numbering system.
If you received a call from a number with the 136 area code:
  • If it’s a North American number, it might be spoofed or invalid, as 136 is not a valid area code in the NANP.
  • If it’s a Chinese mobile number, it would follow the format 136-XXXX-XXXX and is not location-specific.
For more details on North American area codes, you can check resources like the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) website. For Chinese mobile numbers, refer to telecommunications resources specific to China.

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